Montreal Accord on PROs
This article is part [part not set] of 8 in the series Montreal Accord on Patient-Reported Outcomes Use Series

Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) in Electronic Health Records

Paper 8: Informing Clinical and Policy Decisions

S. Ahmed, PhD, P. Ware, MPH, W. Gardner, PhD, J. Witter, MD, PhD, C.O. Bingham III, MD, D. Khairy, S.J. Bartlett, PhD

Given that the goal of healthcare systems is to improve and maintain the health of the populations they serve, the indicators of performance must include outcomes that are meaningful to patients. The growth of health technologies provides an unprecedented opportunity to integrate the patient voice into clinical care by linking electronic health records (EHR) to patient-reported outcome (PRO) data collection. However, PRO data must be relevant, meaningful, and actionable for those who will have to invest the time and effort to collect it.


In this paper, we highlight opportunities to integrate PRO data collection into EHRs. We consider how stakeholder perspectives should influence the selection of PROs and ways to enhance engagement in and commitment to PRO implementation. We propose a research and policy agenda to address unanswered questions and facilitate the widespread adoption of PRO data collection into EHRs.


Building a learning healthcare system that gathers PRO data in ways that can inform individual patient care, quality improvement, and comparative effectiveness research has the potential to accelerate the application of new evidence and knowledge to patient care.

J Clin Epidemiol. 2017 Apr 19. pii: S0895-4356(17)30407-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.04.011.

I'm a specialist in clinical outcome measurement and its impact on treatment effects and patients' quality of life across cultural boundaries. I help physicians and clinical researchers improve patients' lives by teaching best practices in measuring psychiatric and neurological states and traits, with thoughtful focus on specificity.

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